This site contains the version history of all published applications from Raptor Apps. You can download any version from our cloud in case you cannot download the files from our web space or your device cannot run the latest release of the application.
We can only provide files that you can install without any external tool (Android APKs, Setup EXEs, stand-alone EXEs, ZIP-files). If you prefer to use a shop you have to consult the documentary or ask the responsible support team.
All copyrights of these files belong to Philip Halbig! The downloaded files can be used under the given terms and app-specific EULAs. Any form of distribution is strictly forbidden (if you like to share one of our products, please consider sharing the link to the product-page: e.g.
WARNING: Due to problems with the filehoster, the download links on this site are temporarily removed. You can download the latest Version from the protfolio.